Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Puertorican identity

When I think about Puertorican identity all this kind of things come into my mind. The truth is that we are so diverse but at the same time so alike. For me each person makes their own Puertorican identity.

What been Puertorican for me is using whatever excuse we can to get together and trow a party. I mean whatever. Even in funerals you hear people making jokes, laughting and eating. What most defines our culture is our christmas holidays. In every house you can find pasteles, arroz con gandules, lechon and every dessert you can imagine.

My Puertorican identity is going to the beach every sunday. It's going to "El bori" and dance Salsa. Getting out of class and stop to drink a really cold Medalla. Goingo to "Las fiestas de la calle San Sebastian".

There's all this kind of stuff we do that define us. We can be our own kind of puertorican but at the same time feel connected to all this people. I love my Puertorican identity and I also love that we're so diverse but so alike.


  1. I feel very identificated with all of the characteristics that you express we have as a puertorrican! It's true that we celebrate for everything and I think that we are the happiest persons in the world. It's great that you are proud to be a puertorrican, because I feel the same way.

  2. I too feel very identificated because my family makes a party for everything. Im also proud of how diverse we are so this is an opinion we share.

  3. "Tu eres unas de las mias" because you drink medalla and party in "El Bori". Liked the way you said "The truth is that we are so diverse but at the same time so alike", im with you, culture is so divered and that is what makes us special.

  4. Going to the beach and drinking medallas are some of the best things about being puertorrican. I also believe we are each unique but alike at the same time.
