Saturday, October 17, 2015

Life is a trip

The book "Life is a trip" was wrote by Judith Frein. In this book she tells us the story about many places she has travel too and her perspective of this adventures. In this book we can see what traveling can do to a person. How it can change us and shift our point of view. Traveling can make or brake a person. 

Chapter 5 was the one that really surprised me. The name of this chapter is "Searching for forgiveness in Vietnam". This chapter really shocked me because I would never would have guess that Vietnam was able to let go and look pass what the United States did to them. In this trip she learned how important forgiveness is and in order to close your wounds you have to let go and forgive who ever hurt you. 

I can agree with the author. Traveling has a huge impact on our personality and our ways of viewing life. When we go out of the environment we are used to and see how different the world is. It really change us. Sometimes it makes us wan't to work more and see that we can do better for our country but also it can teach us to be grateful for what we have.

In my experience I went to Cuzco, Peru this January with a group of students from the chapter M.E.D.L.I.F.E. We went to give free health care to the people in need. The first night I was in Lima, which is the capital of Peru, I cried my eyes out. It was so sad and shocking to see in how terrible conditions this people live but yet they still treat you with so much respect and love. 

I was in Cuzco for a week. One of the days we went to a place that was more or less like four hours away from where most of the Cuzco civilization lives. It was so shocking to see in the conditions this people live. Most if not all of the children had worms. For me this was a life changing experience.   


  1. I really want to visit Cusco as you do and with the same Organisation... I think that their culture is very unique and it is a very special cause. I agree with you, traveling is a changing life experience and have a great impact on our personality. I really enjoy your post and the photos are very nice!

  2. Very nice post, I like the descriptions that you give about your travels and what you where feeling at the time.

  3. Very nice post, I like the descriptions that you give about your travels and what you where feeling at the time.

  4. I too was very shocked when I learned that the Vietnamese were able to let go and forgive the United States.

  5. Likes the way you compared it with your travel to Cuzco, that was nice sharing with us.
