Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Puertorican identity

When I think about Puertorican identity all this kind of things come into my mind. The truth is that we are so diverse but at the same time so alike. For me each person makes their own Puertorican identity.

What been Puertorican for me is using whatever excuse we can to get together and trow a party. I mean whatever. Even in funerals you hear people making jokes, laughting and eating. What most defines our culture is our christmas holidays. In every house you can find pasteles, arroz con gandules, lechon and every dessert you can imagine.

My Puertorican identity is going to the beach every sunday. It's going to "El bori" and dance Salsa. Getting out of class and stop to drink a really cold Medalla. Goingo to "Las fiestas de la calle San Sebastian".

There's all this kind of stuff we do that define us. We can be our own kind of puertorican but at the same time feel connected to all this people. I love my Puertorican identity and I also love that we're so diverse but so alike.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

About me

Hello everyone. My name is Natallie J. Deida. I'm 20 years old. I'm a student at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus. My major is in Biology and I love it. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to end up crazy but I still love it. I love learning all this cool and geeky stuff about science and how why can find science every where. Science is, I was born in July 2nd 1995 at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. My parents are divorce which really sucks but it also means more presents and more family. I have two sisters and one brother and they mean the world to me.

Like a said I love science and everything behind it. One day I hopeto become a doctor and be part of the change in the world. My favorite sport is volleyball. One I had to give up when I started College because as you may know school work, sleep, social life and exercise aren't really things we can do at college and we have to sacrifice some. Mostly sleeping and grades but we survive.

I love to read. I'm a fan of thetriology divergent. I just love all the characters and the book and this idea behind all the factions. If I was force to pick one I will definetly say I'm divergent.

About Dreams. A Reflection on Carl Jung's “Memories, Dreams and Reflections”

Dreams are our own personalized world. In our dreams we express our inner self, wishes and what we're afraid of. When we go to sleep we create this universe where everything we find helps us understand our self’s a little better. Even thou it's a world we create when we wake up from a dream it's so hard to remember what the dream was about. We sometimes just go blank.

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist who founder of the school of analytical psychology. In one of he's books he tells us the story of the trips he took. This stories are from he's point of view. He actually wrote the story's many years after the trips. 

I really enjoyed all the stories and how he in way saw himself from another perspective. Although I liked them I don't really think we can really believe everything he's saying really happened because he wrote those story’s so many years after and our memories tend to fade.
For me a memory is like a dream. I know is something really odd to say because they have totally different meanings but bear with me. A memory is like a dream because when time passes we start changing our memories and making it more like a dream than a real thing. Just like a dream which when we wake up we can’t really remember most of the details the same thing happens with our memories.